So I thought that I should do a Vlog today...
I still can't do it
I just can't speak in front of the camera
It's like talking to myself
It sounds stupid =_=
It also looks stupid
What if my flatmates overhear me talking?
They might think I'm some retard mental idiot V_V
So yeah...
Till I can overcome that part
No Vlog from me V_V
B.t.w whenever I think of Vlog,
I always think of Jake Sullivan in Avatar talking to himself on a mini Video Recorder
If you watched Avatar you'd understand
His first time talking to the recorder was like
"w.t.f am I supposed to talk to this?"
Yup that about sums it up

Why do I put random pictures in the middle of my posts?
Beats me .____.Anyhow, class has started
It's sorta nice to have class starting again
At least I don't feel like a bum sitting around doing nothing
(Okay la, for the benefit of my parents in case they're reading this)It's not as if I haven't been doing anything during the holidays
Apart from sleeping late and waking up late
I've been reading and studying too =D
And ironically,
I've found my new found strength to blog more often now =D
(When class actually resumes)During the holidays I'm just too lazy
One more thing before I go
Who invented the job interview form?
I hope he dies horribly...
Basket, even before the interview the form is a pain in the arse
And I always thought that the interview is a pain in the arse
Well.. Job interview
Form #1 -> Job Interview #2
I know I'm not gonna get much response from this
But, If I were to do a Vlog,
What do you guys want me to talk about?
*doubt I'll be getting any replies about this ._________.
Till then,
This is
Jake Sullivan Jozzeh Reporting
p/s-> I'm not hyper about Avatar.. What makes you think I'm hyper about Avatar? How many times did I mention "Avatar"?Avatar schmatar
Surprise Surprise =D
Labels: Guitars, Life, Randomness
I know I've gone M.I.A for while now..
Its 3:27am in the morning and I'm in the middle of my tutorials

Just had the sudden urge to blog
Yes for no apparent reasons
Just to spew some random nonsensical stuff out
The weather has been rather weird lately
It just can't seem to make up its mind
One day it is warm and I can wear my sleeveless shirt around
Another, it became freezing-ly uberish cold
I call it Global Indecisiveness
So yeah, here I am
Still spewing nonsense while I am supposed to get back to my tutorials
Another random thing
Why doesn't floyd rose allow for standard and drop d tuning at the same time?
And Jess II is still with the technician fml
And finally one final thing
To Baby Girl =D
Happy 2nd Anniversary
I love you much
ココにいるよ although I'm far away
I'm with you in your heart..
Okay I know.. that's cheesy beeshi
Whatever, nobody visits this blog anyway..
Anyway.. back to work

Labels: Baby Girl, Guitars, Life, Studies