So I thought that I should do a Vlog today...
I still can't do it
I just can't speak in front of the camera
It's like talking to myself
It sounds stupid =_=
It also looks stupid
What if my flatmates overhear me talking?
They might think I'm some retard mental idiot V_V
So yeah...
Till I can overcome that part
No Vlog from me V_V
B.t.w whenever I think of Vlog,
I always think of Jake Sullivan in Avatar talking to himself on a mini Video Recorder
If you watched Avatar you'd understand
His first time talking to the recorder was like
"w.t.f am I supposed to talk to this?"
Yup that about sums it up
Why do I put random pictures in the middle of my posts?
Beats me .____.Anyhow, class has started
It's sorta nice to have class starting again
At least I don't feel like a bum sitting around doing nothing
(Okay la, for the benefit of my parents in case they're reading this)It's not as if I haven't been doing anything during the holidays
Apart from sleeping late and waking up late
I've been reading and studying too =D
And ironically,
I've found my new found strength to blog more often now =D
(When class actually resumes)During the holidays I'm just too lazy
One more thing before I go
Who invented the job interview form?
I hope he dies horribly...
Basket, even before the interview the form is a pain in the arse
And I always thought that the interview is a pain in the arse
Well.. Job interview
Form #1 -> Job Interview #2
I know I'm not gonna get much response from this
But, If I were to do a Vlog,
What do you guys want me to talk about?
*doubt I'll be getting any replies about this ._________.
Till then,
This is
Jake Sullivan Jozzeh Reporting
p/s-> I'm not hyper about Avatar.. What makes you think I'm hyper about Avatar? How many times did I mention "Avatar"?Avatar schmatarSurprise Surprise =D
Labels: Guitars, Life, Randomness