I know I've gone M.I.A for while now..
Its 3:27am in the morning and I'm in the middle of my tutorials

Just had the sudden urge to blog
Yes for no apparent reasons
Just to spew some random nonsensical stuff out
The weather has been rather weird lately
It just can't seem to make up its mind
One day it is warm and I can wear my sleeveless shirt around
Another, it became freezing-ly uberish cold
I call it Global Indecisiveness
So yeah, here I am
Still spewing nonsense while I am supposed to get back to my tutorials
Another random thing
Why doesn't floyd rose allow for standard and drop d tuning at the same time?
And Jess II is still with the technician fml
And finally one final thing
To Baby Girl =D
Happy 2nd Anniversary
I love you much
ココにいるよ although I'm far away
I'm with you in your heart..
Okay I know.. that's cheesy beeshi
Whatever, nobody visits this blog anyway..
Anyway.. back to work

Labels: Baby Girl, Guitars, Life, Studies