Monday, August 16, 2010
Soo....58 days + 10 more to go

Yep that's how long I've been working
And yes I know its not as long as some of who has reached half a decade
Or a decade or 3 years or whatever

However this is not my first job
And I'm proud to say that I'm definitely not some rich asshole
Who just bum around the house during the holidays..
I've started working as early as 16 years old (I know some of you did it even younger)
Then 18, 19, 20 and finally this year...

I've gone through fairs, office jobs, promoters
I think it is just fair that I should be able to say
That I have pretty much done 50% of the odd jobs if not 70%
(minus the street sweeper, waiter and etc etc)

Now on to what I've learnt
When someone comes to you and say

"Son, find a job that you love to do, 'cuz you'll be doing it for the rest of your life"

He is probably 99.99% right..
So take heed.. -____________-
Suffice to say I do not really enjoy what I'm doing
And TBH, I'll be damned if I have to go through this for the rest of my working career
So no way...

No I'm not a spoilt brat
Don't tell me you love manual jobs?
If you do.. then God bless your merry little hearts
But if you love manual jobs then I love the opposite

I love jobs which are challenging in nature
That I have to actually use my God given brains to tackle
I love jobs which requires you to think
To be able to adapt to different situation instead of going by the book
*What did I just hear my mum snicker?

Truth be told, if I can do something which I do not like half halfheartedly
And yet be able to complete it and to be able to get it as near to perfection as possible
I wonder what I can do if I put my heart and soul into it

TBH, I still haven't got a clue what I want to do in the future
As I've said, anything goes as long as I like it and if the pay is decent
I'll do it.
Of course till I get a degree, I can't really complain
But when I DO get my degree
*Which I eventually will, hopefully (wtf am I saying? I MUST!)
Then that's when I have to weigh my options

Working has taught me that almost every other thing uses common senses
Your common senses are free.. Use them!
However, the problem appears when you've lost touch of something

It could be the big boss who has loss touch with his roots
It could be that superior who has forgotten what it was like to be in your shoes
And God forbid, I should ever loose touch with the ground
That is why I'm writing this
To remind myself what it is like to be on the ground
What your workers actually feel when you make a simple decision
That decision affects them!
Think before you decide!

Managing uses lots of common sense
Your workers are like your engine
You can be a sleek looking sports car
But without your engines, You're going no where brother!
Your decision affects them
To press the accelerator (make decisions) is easy
But your engine is tearing apart (workers overworked)
Without proper maintenance (rewards/promotions/incentives etc)
Your engine will wear out (workers will leave)

So it's just as I've said
It's simple common sense
(of course there are other factors)
Such as the god damned air conditioners (Board of directors)
Which sometimes loves to throw a hammer in to your works every once in a while
But solving them is easy if you know how

Note that I do not read books on managing
Neither do I attend courses on it
And I sure as hell do not have a degree in Management or relating to it
I damn sure have not studied it
It's common sense
And while my example is an over simplistic view
It is pretty much the basic framework..
Tell me I'm wrong
I'm willing to listen and be corrected

I'm telling this to my future self now
If I ever ever get myself into a managing position
With a bunch of guys under me
I must

1) Understand them
2) Give them chances to be who they are
3) Listen to them
4) Take time to get to know them
5) Honor your own promises to them
6) Manage them not control them
7) Allow creativity
8) Give credit where it is due
9) Discipline is a must but not to the point of torture
10) You get them to do things by having them do it voluntarily
11) One way or the other they will do it but the outcome depends mostly on how they were asked to do it
12) Be strict but not control freak
13) Value their opinions (they are smarter than you think)
14) Not everybody is motivated by money and perks

p/s -> if your worker is spending too much time in the toilet.. They're prolly sleepin' there


The list is endless....
How do I know all this?
Simply because I'm also a worker at this very moment under someone else
And this is what I want as a worker


on a side note..
Cardiff is doing a pretty lousy job at managing their workforce atm..

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Soo....58 days + 10 more to go Expressed at 10:08 PM  

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