Thursday, October 28, 2010
And the Roads diverged again
This time
Which path shall I take?
When all odds are against me
Will something work in my favor?
It's like a basketball game
In the few dying seconds of the game
The ball is in your hands
You stand at the 3 point line
Your team is down by 2 points
Should you pass or shoot?
Both will yield it's own consequences
The hard work you've already put in
All boils down to that final moment
If you do shoot, time slows down
Will your shot enter the hoop?
Or Not?
The time slows down even further to the point of eternity
If you pass
You spend the next few moments antagonizing
As if waiting for the death sentence
Your destiny lies at the hands and skill of your team mate
What will happen?
I need a sign
A sign that can tell me whether;
I'm in the right direction
Or not
Time is running out
If there is a sign
Please come in time
My instincts keeps telling me to try
But I do not have the ability nor the capacity
If I should try and fail
I'm screwed
Yet if I don't try, I'll regret it forever
It's always bad to enter into a plan without a back-up plan
Labels: Life, Musings
Friday, October 22, 2010
So it's been quite a while since I've blogged..
I blame the hectic education system I'm in..
But I'm actually loving it
I am already feeling very independent-ish
Education-wise as well as Self-Independent-ish
Lots have happened since my absence
Got new boots, cooked a lot (and I mean A LOT!), learning John Petrucci's "Wishful Thinking"
etc etc..
Made some new friends
Still yet to have any British friends hmmm...
I think it's cause of the halls I'm in..
My flatmates are all Malaysian haha..
It's great to have em around
But I feel it's also good to widen my networks so yeah...
What else?
Hmm.. No culture shock as of now...
Fitting in with the education system
(I've found my hardworking-ness again)
Got new goal in life, Working hard towards it
Surprisingly I've not drunk as much beer as I've expected to have drunk
Beer isn't as cheap as people say.
But it sure as hell is cheaper than Malaysia...
I guess that's about it
The guys from Hertfordshire are coming over tomorrow.
Need tuh get my stuff done so I can enjoy the next few days off..
Till then, Cheerios as they would say
Labels: Life, University, Updatez
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I miss this two buggers
Seriously.. don't you feel like makan-ing her?
I'm leaving you mimi, I'm going to find dada =p
Whatcha say? You feel Like dyin' todai?
Labels: Baby Girl, Life, Tiffie
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I can officially state that I have never walked so much
In my entire 21 years of life..
No seriously =s
Everything here is done on foot..
I miss my car so much T_T
I still have minute things to take care of
For example switching GPs
Getting basic ingredients to cook..
So many things to do
So little time...
Labels: Life
Friday, October 1, 2010
Counting down till classes officially starts..
T Minus 4 days..
Till then, still relatively free
Resting still from my earlier hectic departure and arrival
I'm happy with my room and my room mates
Currently on my mind
To jog and get some fitness in
Note to self: Survey for a pair of running shoes..
In the long run,
Still much to figure out
Much uncertainties
Road is still winding and long
Where will I end up?
Only God knows...
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both"
-Robert Frost-
Labels: Life