So 1 week since my exam started
Did some stupid stuffs
Like going to college for exams when I have none on that day
Have high hopes for my Tort
Have okay hopes for my Trust
Now for the killer-Evidence
Then happy go lucky Land Law (but still need to study)
Baby Girl is the best
Always finds me for lunch
Or bringing me lunch when I can't get any
Sucks being the only one capable of responsibility where I am..
I wish the other 2 would grow some..
I'm not saying that I have hell lotsa responsibilities
But I have more than them imo...
Had ulcer on my lips
And now I'm sleepy as hell...
iPod Shuffle 4gb 3g Silver still up for grabs -_-pp/s- btw why does my sentences gets shorter and shorter?
feels like song lyrics wtfLabels: Exams, iPod Shuffle, Life