As I was going to post this..
Mothers' Day crept up
So it is only right that I post these first =D
Dearest Mum,
Happy Mothers Day!
I might not have the money to buy you a nice Coach Bag
Nor do I have the money to buy you a spanking new BMW
(K fine.. so this is not a BMW but w/e)
Or a house and a boat such as this
But from the bottom of my heart
Happy Mothers' Day
I love you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much
(kla not that short.. can go on longer but waste space =D)
Have faith in me
I'll do my best for my exams =D
And here is my Mother~!
(I could only get her a vintage bicycle and I shall call it Bicycle Mobile Water-resistant [BMW geddit? geddit?])![](
Sorry my PS skills sucks
Lotsa love from us!
Especially Dad!
(ooookaaaayy :rollseyes:)===========================
That done...
I was running through a couple of folders..
And I was shocked at how many types of Hairstyles I went through
Okay nothing serious such as Mohawk or skin
But man... from the day I left High School
This was me in High School
And for some reason..
It grew really long?
Tried parting the other way
(okay.. shit I didn't know I had so many styles in 2007 -_-)
My first re-bonding
LoL- Testing head gear (failed)
And it kept growing and growing
(was asked to be model for someone -_-)
*she needs to learn how to cover up bad skin = me fml T_T
Ahaha this shit is hilarious
And then ...
It grew longer again
(I swore I told my high school teacher my hair is out of control)
Nah here is the proof! KNS -_-
In 2009!
(only got 1 lol.. others are too obscure.. can't see)
2010.. Stayed all the way this way
Till =_=
I got bored and sick of the fringe getting in the way
I went and chopped it off
At first the hairstylist was like
Are you sure?
Not many students cut their fringe the way you want it to be cut
And I told him
Yeah screw it..
I've been there and done that
Time for some normality
(It's longer now.. looks better than in the picture haha)
Gonna do some cam-whoring after exams =D
I'm done with long hair =_=
Too hard to maintain..
kinda like it short now
Easier to style as well =D
Might leave it to the point in 2009
(Kinda like that style)
And I'm a die hard of Yan Ya Lun's hairstyle @_@
Damn yeng right?
Initially I wanted this hairstyle
But the fella helped me cut my fringe too short edy babi bangang lol
Wish me luck in the next hair cut.. maybe 3 months down the road lol
Labels: Family, Hairstyles, Life, Mum, Randomness