Yes You!
You're a pathetic creature you know that?
You don't act like what you're supposed to be
On top of that...
You are worse than what you're not supposed to be
You get people screaming all over you
And you can't see the shit
You're a cause of all bloody heartache and stress you know that?
WTF can't you act like what you're supposed to be?
And when we breathe down your neck
You say we're pressuring you too much
Go stuff you head with some straws you stupid dimwitted donkey
We WON'T have to pressure you
IF you did what you're supposed to do
After that
You hide into a secluded corner and start ranting about
How unfair the world is to you
How much trouble its giving you
And what about not bothering you
Since you never asked to be bothered
In that case how about paying us a rent then?
Then we won't have any shit to do with you
Don't use the facilities in the house
Just stay cooped in your room
Pee and shit in your dirty room for all the hell I care
'Cuz I won't
You think the world is unfair to you?
Look at me you stupid FOOL!
Have I even started complaining?
The only thing I've complained so far about
Get it? YOU!
Without you,
I don't have to get so pissed every time I do my chores
I'm the one who is like the maid now
Sure I'm on holiday and whatever shit not
WTF do you think will be doing it once my holiday has ended?
I for one am glad I'm not you
Get it? Not YOU!
I can't stand sleeping in a dirty room like yours
Floors all sticky and shit no matter how hard I mopped it
I just can't get how other people apart from homeless people and beggars can stay in your room
Even they did not ask for that kind of Life..
You're pure sick!
Hell you make me SICK!
Keep whining in your stupid room
Play your laptop
Thats all you Fucken care about!
At least I did my chores to satisfactory level
You! Yes YOU! DID NOT!
You procrastinating pig
At least when I Procrastinate..
I actually wound up doing it
Go.. Whine more.. Cry more
Cry about how someone is forcing you to do things
When you have supposedly finish your bloody fucken chores
I can't even get a fucken decent help around here?
Just open the fucken bloody door
Is it that bloody hard?
I'm fucken busy aren't I?
WTF did you do that day huh? TELL ME!!
The dog you don't bathe till the last minute
And with more yelling
The dog you don't bring out
I bring him out although its not my fucken job!
The shit you see
Who cleans it huh?
You think our porch is forever shiny like that?
How many times did I have to pick up the dog shit?
HuH? At least when I see it, I actually have the initiative to take it away
I just don't fucken know how you can turn a blind eye to it..
You fucken calculative asshole
When you're washing something and I'm moping the fucken floor
Can't you just help wash one of my fucken bowl?
Had to get to the fucken North Pole to get the fucken Ice to melt it to water huh?
You sick freak
You wanna be calculative?
I can be too!
You have no iota of responsibility in you
Sometimes I fucken wonder if you're a girl?
Our parents might as well consider themselves with 3 SONS!
At least the youngest one still does his chores and help around
Even I and the youngest one as a boy still can't stand the mess
I don't fucken know what to call you
I told you to close your fucken room window when you leave the house
To fucken prevent rain water from coming in
I'm not so fucken free to check it for you every now and then
Keeps the fucken dirt and dust out too!
Is it that hard?
Just your own fucken room?
I even stick a stickied note TO YOUR WINDOW AND LAPTOP
As well as a Verbal reminder
And yet you can't do it
What? You dealing with world politics now?
You that fucken busy?
Exams? MY ASS!
Most of the time you're watching dramas in the room
BullSHIT exam and studying!
You're Fucked up and Sickening
I shall call you Fuckening
Yes I am Pissed and Very Mad!
Time to visit my Punching bag
Labels: Anger, Rantings