Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gosh you guyz made me so Gam-Dung today!!! T-T

Here is the story.

Due to lack of sleep for the past few days...I had decided to oversleep this morning (Yesh...I intentionally overslept) to get back some rest..

So at around 8.30 I got a msg from Yi and she asked me where am I? And I said I was still in bed. She replied but I didn't replied her and fell back to sleep.. and then at around 9.30 or something..I got a call from Joon Wye asking me where am I and why I am I not in class. I told him that I would be in college but wouldn't be in class..

Then at 10.30 or so... Eli messaged me asking me where am I. For the fourth time I replied sleping but will come later.. and then at 11am i got a call from Wei Shin asking me where am I. Finally that time I was awake.. and I told him I'm gonna bathe now.( oh ya..Margaret said she wanted to msg me too..but phone no credit hahaha)

It kinda struck me..how many caring friends I have surrounding me...And all I gotta say is...man... I Freaking Love You Guyz!!!! I promise to be the best-est friend possible for you all ^-^

Nobody is a One man Island....we need each other to survive..

Thank You God for this bunch of friends I've made in college...I Pray that You will keep them safe, keep them healthy and also that You will sustain them in times of difficulty. I also pray O Lord that those of my friends who have not yet experience Your Love, will come to know You, be it through me or somebody else. I pray for our upcoming exam that we will remember everything taht we learn and do well in the A2 exams... In Jesus Name, Amen

There I Prayed for you guyz ^-^
This shows how important you all are to me ^-^

Friends Expressed at 12:55 AM   (LinkUp) 0 Thoughts

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Save Earth PLEASE!!

This furry creature was caught by my brother...
I suspect that it is highly likely that it is from the small forested area opposite my house..
But ever since they decided to develop that land..more and more of this cute furry creature can be seen at my house.
Look at the picture and tell me.. (no look deeper into it's eyes)
How can we be so comfortable living in our own house while this little one lost his?
What happened to it's mother? How can we bare see this cute thing having to run across the main roads and risk getting run over by a vehicle?
The rules are simple! Save the Trees, Save the Earth!
Stop pollution, Stop everything that kills trees! Recycle, Reuse, Reduce!
Recycle anything which you think is recyclable! eg- Newspaper, Cardboards etc
Reuse anything you think is reusable! eg- Glass, Plastic
Reduce what you think might cause harm to our mother Earth! eg- CFC, Polystyrene!
On the right side of my blog there is a widget which says- The Inconvenient Truth! Go pledge and do your part! However small your part might be, is a small step towards a greener world.

" One day, after a huge wave crashed onto an Island, a man was walking along the beaches surveying the damages. Among other things which he saw was swept ashore, was thousands and thousands of starfish.
As he walked further, he noticed a small boy patiently taking one starfish after another and tossing it back into the ocean. He approached the small boy and told him, don't be ridiculous, there are thousands and thousands of starfish washed ashore! You will never be able to make much of a difference. Go home and eat your dinner and be a good kid.
The small boy turned and look at the man straight into the eye before picking another starfish up and tossing it into the ocean.
Having done that, he turned and look at the man again, pointing at the ocean and proudly exclaimed-
"There! I've made a difference to that one!"
-Quoted from Rev. Jamie Haith-

At times, what we do seems unsignificant but remember! Your's is just One Small Step towards a better future!

-Have a nice weekend ya'll-

Save Earth PLEASE!! Expressed at 11:26 PM   (LinkUp) 2 Thoughts

Thursday, April 24, 2008

So I was done basketballing with my college mates and as I was waiting for my mum to pick me up. I saw this scene and thought it was quite pretty considering where I was at the moment.(Brickfields ain't a very pretty place despite its name mind you -_-)

Anyhow, the first picture I took by mistake but it turned out to be one of my favorite ones.
Talk about random shots huh? The pictures are not pretty considering what I was using to snap the pictures... (note to self: take my dad's digital cam in the future!)

Anyway, this scene reminds me of how even in the darkest time of life there will always be colors to brighten up our lives. I cannot imagine myself living in a black and white world...well it would be fun for a while but after that it gets dull.

I was pretty exhausted after gaming and studyin today and when I saw this scene, it really brighten me up and cheered me up (= Thank God for all the color's in the world ^-^

Saw this one at MV and thought it was meaningful (=

And what better way to end your day with this little fella running at your heels when you come back after a long hard day at college? =D Thanks for cheering up my life you little naughty one! =D

And tomorrow... JENG JENG JENG...... guess what?

Economics Paper 3 mock trials -_-

Gonna study for abit after this >.< hopefully I'll be able to get something out of this exam @_@

Color's Expressed at 9:47 PM   (LinkUp) 1 Thoughts

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The picture says it all..
credits to Ben (the Malaysian artist)

Haha yepz...my ride...gonna pwn the rest!! =D

Anyhow....just a little bit on today and yesterday..
So I was doing my Economics Paper3 yesterday night...and seriously...i cant understand sh*t
Now I understand what Adrian meant when he said
"When I am doing this paper I don't know what the hell I'm writting?"
Yep I'm facing the same thing at the moment.... i spent at least half an hour doing 10 questions?
Mostly which might be wrong.
And today we did a check and guess what? I got 15/30 brilliant eh?
I mean..holy crap this kinda crap is shattering my confidence like nobody's business!!!
It is that tough....every question I did...reduced my confidence even more.
Well well...exam is just roughly 1month away and I'm getting all this...
Hopefully this no-confident-ness will go away after I'm done with a few more papers.
Hopefully..or else....im a gonner...
Also..I've learnt to pray more telling God my problems and He answers! Well...some of em anyway... -_-
I guess there is a lesson behind everything...I've just yet to find out about this one...
Oh well..done ranting then....

Will be back with more Life thoughts soon...
*Exceptions to this one -_-

Confidence Expressed at 10:46 PM   (LinkUp) 0 Thoughts

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Laziness and Cure? =D

We all do..don't we -_-

And therefore we need!!!!!!

Lol -_- it's like some kinda drug or something hahaa maybe can really cure laziness -_-

I guess I'm just too bored...Business Studies intensive revision from 9am-1pm F.T.W -_-

Anyhow final question....


Nike F.T.W =D although is still think my Adidas Superstar is still hawt... =D

And one last thing......I Swear You Guyz Are Freaking Awesome -_-

Man I gotta say...this kinda vandalism takes some guts and you guyz got it la wei!!! Hahahaa lets do this more often -_-
Wy Lu (the I hate it tee)
JW (drugs XD)
Margaret ( Nike shoes + Bag)
Josh ( my Adidas =D)
The Gang ( Shattered Glass)
p/s--> I had nothing whatsoever to do with that last pic i swear -_-
No Animals were hurt during the process of breaking the glass -_-

Laziness and Cure? =D Expressed at 11:28 PM   (LinkUp) 0 Thoughts

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Life's Motion-Believing + Faith

Yeah today was a rainy day...and it struck me how life can move so fast in a blink of an eye I'm already 19 and in a blink of an eye I'm ready to sit for the last part of my Pre-U...I wonder what will I see in my next blink of an eye? hmmm~

People striding across the road as they did so many times before life became a motion blur and one wonders what life is all about. Is there all there is to life? Certainly not, everyone of us has a purpose here..it's just the matter of how you find it and in the process learning what life is and what it has to offer.

Meanwhile, enjoy life to the fullest because you won't have a second choice. For me, I don't want to be part of that blurry crowd... Dare To Stand Out!! DTSO! =D

[although please do stand out in a good way though ;)]

Haha..what to say about this one? Believe and Faith can really change things. The most powerful thing of the mind is not memory but Believing!

In the Bible, it is stated that if you have Faith the size of the Mustard Seed you can even move mountains! Imagine what you can do with both Believe and Faith (=

(and no cheewai im not referring to Adidas advertisement =D)

Just like the picture on top, impossible is nothing, just believe in yourself and have faith!

p/s--Oh yeah there was a robbery infront of my house this morning...again... -_-
The victim? my neighbour....again -_-
This neighbourhood is getting scarry wei!! -_-

Life's Motion-Believing + Faith Expressed at 7:48 PM   (LinkUp) 1 Thoughts

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tomorrow's Way

Tomorrow's Way

Filled with choices and paths
Life was never easy to begin with..
Wondering what my purpose is on this earth
I can't wait for tomorrow
Tomorrow filled with mystery, fun, sadness, happiness, gladness, frustrations, and more
Even if the road tomorrow is bumpy I know that i can go through it
Life is not a bed of roses
Life is a learning process
A neverending process
Looking forward with hope is what I HOPE to go through everyday

This blog is for my experience and for what lies in Tomorrow's Way ;)

Dare To Be Different (=


I just cant resist =D

Tomorrow's Way Expressed at 10:52 PM   (LinkUp) 0 Thoughts

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