The picture says it all..
credits to Ben (the Malaysian artist)

Haha yepz...my ride...gonna pwn the rest!! =D
Anyhow....just a little bit on today and yesterday..
So I was doing my Economics Paper3 yesterday night...and seriously...i cant understand sh*t
Now I understand what Adrian meant when he said
"When I am doing this paper I don't know what the hell I'm writting?"
Yep I'm facing the same thing at the moment.... i spent at least half an hour doing 10 questions?
Mostly which might be wrong.
And today we did a check and guess what? I got 15/30 brilliant eh?
I mean..holy crap this kinda crap is shattering my confidence like nobody's business!!!
It is that tough....every question I did...reduced my confidence even more.
Well well...exam is just roughly 1month away and I'm getting all this...
Hopefully this no-confident-ness will go away after I'm done with a few more papers.
Hopefully..or else....im a gonner...
Also..I've learnt to pray more telling God my problems and He answers! Well...some of em anyway... -_-
I guess there is a lesson behind everything...I've just yet to find out about this one...
Oh well..done ranting then....
Will be back with more Life thoughts soon...
*Exceptions to this one -_-