So I was done basketballing with my college mates and as I was waiting for my mum to pick me up. I saw this scene and thought it was quite pretty considering where I was at the moment.(Brickfields ain't a very pretty place despite its name mind you -_-)
Anyhow, the first picture I took by mistake but it turned out to be one of my favorite ones.
Talk about random shots huh? The pictures are not pretty considering what I was using to snap the pictures... (note to self: take my dad's digital cam in the future!)
Anyway, this scene reminds me of how even in the darkest time of life there will always be colors to brighten up our lives. I cannot imagine myself living in a black and white world...well it would be fun for a while but after that it gets dull.
I was pretty exhausted after gaming and studyin today and when I saw this scene, it really brighten me up and cheered me up (= Thank God for all the
s in the world ^-^

Saw this one at MV and thought it was meaningful (=

And what better way to end your day with this little fella running at your heels when you come back after a long hard day at college? =D Thanks for cheering up my life you little naughty one! =D
And tomorrow... JENG JENG JENG...... guess what?
Economics Paper 3 mock trials -_-
Gonna study for abit after this >.< hopefully I'll be able to get something out of this exam @_@