I wonder why some people choose to come to the UK to study
Their minds are so backwards
They cannot think openly
All they ever want to do is to pass exam and go home
They do not give a crap about the experience
There are certain experience
That class rooms and exam halls just cannot provide you with
These are called life lessons
Your thinking is simply too Malaysian-like
You study for the sake of studying
Not for the sake of understanding
You plan to memorise and regurgitate
Sure that will get you a first class
But so what..
You are nothing but a robot
You have no ability to adapt to change
You can't think outside the box
Your bubble will burst sooner or later
And the only thing that will keep you from getting fired
Is your contract that binds you and your good firm
Talk about a misrepresentation
At least in the future I can tell my son and daughter
That I truly had fun in University back those days
And I did so without compromising on my mark and grades
When you cannot understand a way a lecturer delivers his or her lesson
You claim the lecturer cannot teach
Who are you to claim that he or she cannot teach
And this is why I say you fail so badly at adapting
Well okay maybe the word "you" is too specific
Lets use the term "certain quarters of people"
From the outside you seem like a good christian
But what a hypocrite
I'm also not saying I am innocent
But at least I don't make myself out to be a very good christian
And I certainly at least do not judge
When hardship comes you cry and whine
Then later you claim God is good to you
Yes God is good
But you do not realise the need to weather through the storm
That is why I say you do not have the ability to adapt to changes
You cannot take hardship head on
All this while I am proud to exclaim that I am a Malaysian Chinese
This is because we are born to fight on unequal terms
Whatever did not kill our grandparents made our parents stronger
That in turn makes us stronger
So quit whining and bitching and get on your feet
You are here in the UK not because you were merely blessed by God
If all the beggars in the world begged for God's blessing without lifting a finger to work
Do you think God will bless them?
Dream on!
Just felt like ranting
Really dislike the way certain people are acting
Over pampered kids
I suggest you go home and do UOLLabels: Rantings