Apparently they even hired PR Firms to get the rakyats to warm up to this idea
Let me tell you this
I have no qualms whatsoever about cutting subsidies
WITH A FEW CONDITIONS!That it should only be done as a last resort
As of time of writing
There are so many things that the government can do to decrease the budget deficit
1)APsYep.. The notorious APs
If the government would just
STOP giving it for free to the unscrupulous few
If the government sells it on a fair basis (read bidding system)
Imagine the amount of cash the government can get
But no.. they merely just give it away
And that burdens the government and the rakyat..
So screw yourself
2)NSDo away with this stupid program
WTF do we need NS for?
Want to Brainwash the teenagers?
No thanks..
We're not Singapore whereby we do not have enough people in the army
Besides.. How the FUCK does picking rubbish equates to fighting better for the country?
There are so many more that can be listed here..
But use your common sense..
Every little thing counts towards the increment of our country's coffers
One more thing tho....
Why the hell do we have to suffer even more
If the government don't know how to handle our money well
Then lets change it
Simple as that
Don't bullshit by saying that the saving on subsidies can lead to more spending on beneficial projects
Hello, those "beneficial projects" you're talking about is a God given right!
We do not have to beg you to implement it
The government of the day is
SUPPOSED to implement it
You people in high places have gone too far
You made our lives worse by the day
Yet you are forcing us to cough out even more!
Squeezing every last bit out of us
While you sip champagne in your bloody office
If you cannot handle it..
GTFO that's all I have to say
Change the government
I still suspect this is a ploy to earn more revenue for yourself
In the end.. you win.. we loose..
really man.. GTFO..
I hope you guys will rot in hell for everything you done on earth
May it be multiplied multi-fold on you in hell
Labels: Personal Views, Politics