Okay that was a little overkill
But yeah..
The journey there
You wouldn't believed it
But I had my first failed landing at Perth International Airport
The pilot had to blast the jets full power and climb again
God it was scarier than a roller-coster ride
Seriously.. I think we fell like 30 storeys before climbing again
Could be less but it felt that way
Hey 233 tonnes of steel dropping isn't a small thing okay!
My dad says it was probably the tower which ordered them to re-land
But I had a feeling the noobcake pilot forgot his landing wheels
And that's why the tower told him to make another round
But yeah..
Overall to sum it all up
Due to lack of time and what not
(I have another assignment due FML)
Isn't Fricken
crazy cold most of the time!
The only time it was hot
Was on 2 days maximum in a week
Temperatures would hit 40 degrees outdoors
But under a cool shade..
Maybe around 30 degrees?
Most of the time the temperature would be around
Anywhere from 20-30 degrees
*Note to self; 30 degrees in Australia isn't 30 degrees in Malaysia
Why do I say that?
Malaysia is more humid
You will sweat like a pig in Malaysia
In Australia, you won't notice its 30 degrees
*2nd note to self; More prone to skin cancer in Australia ROFL
Therefore decision not to bring sweater to Australia in Summer
Is a fail decision
Anybody planning to go next year
Please remember to bring them if you don't wanna freeze in the cold wind
Well.. Signing off with some pictures..
Need to hurry back to assignments
Interracial FTL o.O