"The minister said he was proud over the successful launch of the satellite as it would help enhance Malaysia's position in the international satellite business as well as broadcasting.
It will also lay the groundwork for Malaysians themselves to design, create and manufacture their own satellite in the future and not depend on others or merely confine themselves to making components, he said." -Dr.Rais Yatim
Source from
MalaysiakiniPersonal Opinion
*If Malaysia were to make their own rockets, They'd probably be full of issues and problems.
Just look at Proton.
We can't even manage a 23 year old car industry.. And this buffoon is talking about rockets..
Yeah dream on.
If you were to launch it at Baikonur, The officials there would probably be dying from shock at the issues that light up at the Mission Control Desk.
Take this scenario for example.
Mission Chief: We're ready for launch in T minus....
*beep beep (red light flashes)
Mission Chief: What happened? Somebody give me a diagnosis like now!
Technician A: Sir, It seems like one of the protective rims dropped off
Mission Chief: I guess it happens. Oh well, we'll postpone the launch and do a thorough check
*Beep Beep (another red light flashes)
Mission Chief: What now?
Technician B: Sir we have a faulty leakage due a corrosion in the fuel tank
Mission Chief:!!! Corrosion? Now that don't happen.. Never in my history as a Mission Chief
Technician B: *shrugs
Mission Chief: Wait, whose Rocket are we launching again?
Technician A: Oh its Prosat at (Proton+Measat), A Malaysian Rocket
Technician B: Thats right, They're launching another Satellite and this time they built their own rockets
Mission Chief: By Zeus! Of course.. Its Malaysia.. I have a niece there and she says that anything is possible in Malaysia.. Oh well. I guess this is one of it too.. I wonder where did they get their materials from?
Technician A +B: *shrugs*
==Meanwhile somewhere in Malaysia==
Rice Yeti is at the scrapyard inspecting a metal rim from an old car
Rice Yeti: Oh this looks perfect for my next rocket.. Oi tauke... how much?
Tauke: RM10 and I'll give you a discount since you gave me your last project
Rice Yeti: *takes out a RM10 note among a Million Ringgit Stack* Here you go Tauke
Tauke: *stares at the Million Ringgit stack.
Rice Yeti: Stop staring! Its rude you know? But I'll tell you a secret.. There is more where that came from
Tauke: *blinks...Gulps
Rice Yeti: what a good deal.. I tell the govn't that the rocket costs 300billion and I bribe a few officials and now I only spent 15 million on the new rocket.. This is boleh-land indeed.. XD
*Names have bene changed to protect their identity
**Thanks for reading._____________________
"Among those witnessing the launch were Measat's Chief Operating Officer, Paul Brown-Kenyon, Measat's General Counsel Farah Suhanah Ahmad Sarji and Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) group chief executive officer Zam Zamzairani Mohd Isa."
MalaysiakiniWTF is TM's CEO at the friggin launch?
Go fix my bloody connection GDI! FTS grrrrr
Labels: Parody, Rantings