Some people think that just because they are from some Elite schools in Kuantan
They get to go around people's blog and comment shit on what they think is
1) Defending own race
2) Defending own language
3) At the same time taking a swipe at one's command of a language
It's precisely people like you that I hate
With everything inside me..
What gave you the right to judge other people's command of his language
I don't remember William Shakespeare ever saying that he was the greatest poet alive
It was a tittle bestowed upon him by others..
The 3 of you should be mightily ashamed of yourselves..
This is what they said..
Taken from
Wei Shin's Blog.Regarding the Splinter Cell Translation
(Read from bottom up)Yuen: critize other's english plz. this is call KARMA |
13 Mar 09, 02:31 Yuen: ..hurm, are you racist?...why do you blame the translation on the chinese ? You dont let those tranlation is done buy other's that translate it ?. Well, go check on your own command of english before |
13 Mar 09, 02:01 Boon Hwee: when you're clearly not the master yourself. Well, that's all. Cheerio. and here's a complimentary smiley =) |
13 Mar 09, 02:00 Boon Hwee: with your previous post. Let's keep things short shall we? Now, let's not talk where've you been these past few years to only realize how hot Anne Hathaway is. Point is, don't insult other's English.. |
13 Mar 09, 01:59 Boon Hwee: Hi. Stumbled upon ur site through StumbleUpon. The irony. Well, I don't have much time, let alone the spirit to read through all your posts, nor do I know if you've been consistently annoying... |
13 Mar 09, 01:56 Roger,: plus, i dont see that your english is that good yourself. superior thoughts of oneself is the biggest embarrassment. |
Roger,: have you ever thought of yourself being a Chinese? to despite another person of your own race is something which is bloody embarassing as well.
(P/s- Read from bottoms Up...)Anyhow..
Can you see what a hypocrite this 3 geniuses are?
They are commenting on other people's command and usage of English..
And scolding my poor friend for commenting on other people's usage of English
In actual fact,
My friend did nothing but to comment that there are some slight error in the translation
Of a name of a popular game..
I am sure you guys heard of Splinter Cell..
Well, apparently they named it Cell Splinter in Chinese..
What my friend actually meant..
It is ridiculous to name it Cell Splinter..
Since everybody knows the tittle as Splinter Cell..
Why cant it's English Title be retained?
Or if they really want to change the title to a Chinese tittle..
Why not choose a better tittle..?
Obviously by retaining the original name,
They enjoy the benefit of fact that that tittle already garnered huge fanbase
And thus its free publicity for them
Unless the Chinese are too stupid to read English.
Now... I am Chinese by race and proud of it
So I am not a racist..
I am merely open to the thoughts of voicing out when something is amiss
I do not merely sit around and nod..
When something is not right..
We speak up..
Wei Shin is right when he picked up the fact as to why on earth the game is named
Cell Splinter in Chinese which is absurd
So who are you guys to say he despite his own race?
Its because of idiots like you 3 that we Chinese will never grow
You are so narrow minded..
You can't open your eyes and mind to absorb certain things..
So it maybe embarrassing to say out OUR mistakes in a blog
But we LEARN!
No use keeping quiet and we never learn..
This is how God created us to progress
We learn from past mistakes..
You 3 are just little loosers
With very narrow minds..
Its a wonder you came from so called Elite schools
That school must be renown for producing world class
Buffoons and braggers as well as proudful bastards like you 3
I am from MBSSKL
Also a so called Elite school
But you never see me do the shit you guys do
My school has taught me well..
To be humble..
And I have a wonderful English teacher..
She taught me world class English
To appreciate its beauty
Not to use it unto others like what you guys did
I never brag about my command of English unless I get challenged
Even then, I never said my command of the English Language is perfect
The fullness of English Language can never be grasped by us..
Its just too huge and beautiful
Its a life long process of learning
But back to the point
No avid gamers in this world would not know Splinter Cell, Assassins Creed, or even Red Alert!
So what are they going to do next?
Name Red Alert as 红色警戒
WTF knows what is 红色警戒(Alert Red)
Exactly.. It sounds like some Red Alert Rip Off..
People will think that this particular company just wanted to escape court action against him
Thus he rename Red Alert as Alert Red in Chinese so that he will not infringe copyrights
But judging from that box featured on Wei Shin's Blog
I can safely say that they bought rights to distribute it in China..
So why rename it?
Did the guy think that Chinese would be too stupid to read English?
Hence this 3 guys should attack the person who translated it..
Marketing Director: Hey boss, I think Chinese are too stupid to read English
We should rename it in Chinese
Boss: Good idea, Only elites like us can read it..
Roger, Boon Hwee and Yuen..
The guys you're supposed to bombard is not poor Wei Shin..
He merely states his own personal view that the translation is poor
And the original name should be retained..
Which I think is quite true IMHO..
Why don't you few write a letter to the Director that bought over the rights
To distribute Splinter Cell in China?
I also gotten to know that you are from some Elite School in Kuantan
I couldn't care less IMO
You can come from the Moon or the from the Stars for all I care..
Don't barge into people's blog and start commenting shit..
If you don't like it..
Write a post on your OWN blog and ask Wei Shin to read it..
I hate people like you..
Thats right....
Go "Stumble-Upon" someone elses blog!
You guys mess with the wrong person this time..
I am backing him up..
I have a valid argue point
Whereas you 3 (or maybe 3 of you are the same person)
Ganged on one person
And harped on one issue..
His command of English..
As far as I can see...
I still see errors in your post..
So stop being a hypocrite
Don't judge someone's command of English
IF you want them to stop judging others..
Now now,
Go back to your Elite school (so called)
And learn a few more years of English
'Aight Ol' Chap?
And yeah.. Cheerio to you too Boon Hwee
Go back to your ol' colonial school and have a cuppa'
To chill your nerves
p/s- I really can't stand idiots who uses old English just to prove that they a have good command of the English Language.
What they don't know is that most of it is just a slang almost like a "-lah" in Manglish
Why not add some bombastic words?
As long as the point is made..
I can use 3 words.. Why use 10?
Stupid dumbasses..
Labels: English Language, Humility, Personal Views, Reasoning