I've been doing so many tags..
My blog looks like a tagboard..
Aight' enough of tags..
And mushy posts..
Here is a serious post..
Ever have this feeling
When you wake up
You go.. omfg...
Exams are like.. in 2 months time..
2months is like 60 days give and take..
And then you start panicking..
And when you finally got your book out to study
You think to yourself..
I am going no where..
And worse..
When you get to class.
And the lecturer starts the revision..
And you go hmmm I studied this before.
And before you can pat yourself on the back.
Someone states a point
You never thought existed or possible..
And you go..
Shit... She is smarter than me..
She can think out of the box..
Shit... She is gonna get first class honors
What am I gonna get?
Oh Emm Gee.
I need to think out of the Frick'n Box!!!
Yes its just one of those days..

"I've Given Up On Achieving Perfection"
-My Favorite Highway-Labels: Exams, Rantings