Went up to a place called Ubud after shopping like crazy on day 1-3.
According to my dad its a nice place to relax...heck yeah..
Its too friggin quiet IMO...
But anyway we did enjoy our 2 nights stay on that mountain hill..
I'll let the pictures narrate...
And no... the roads did not get any better lol!
Us at the Paddy Field...
Uh yeah..you didn't see wrong.. its a real paddy field..
Muahaha you city people ever seen a paddy field?
Well this is one!
(I sound so fascinated wtf -_-)

Damn... so much greenery @_@
In the morning.. There are naked Orang Asli's which bathe here..
And no I didn't discover it..
My dad told me -_-

Breakfast area....

Gigantic spiders
Every insect there seems to be amplified a few times -_-
The baby spider is as big as a red ant -_-

See those red bites?
God...Those stuffs that bite are even worse than mosquitoes.
They don't suck your blood..
They merely bite..
And the itch is fcken horrible..
Like no joke...
The itch didn't go off until 2 days after I got back..
Those little devils..

They bit me while I was sunbathing by the pool.
I was wondering I felt so itchy..
But I brushed it aside since it was a jungle area
I wasn't a wussy to fret a some mosquito bites..
But things started to get weird when I found out that the itch just won't stop
Then I look at my body and hands and HFMOg!
I got a shock of my life -_-
According to my sister..
This insects are bloody racist bastards..
You know why?
They only bit me... An Asian.
The Caucasians were left alone..
Happily sunbathing away without a bite..
Shitty insects

MUAHAHAHA I finally got my revenge..
This is one of those insects which bit me..
I kinda burned this MF up -_-
Small and nasty wtf...
That little devil

My family and I at Dirty Duck Restaurant..
Don't ask me why its named that way..
Food was not bad... =o

The place where we stayed..
Awesome eh? (Aside from those little devils)
The bathroom is open air.
Pretty cool =D

Well... That about sums up my 6 days at Bali..
Its really not a really bad place for vacation actually..
Its a pity those stupid suicide bombers had to destroy the reputation.
Obviously they have no sense of humanity and yet they called it a Holy War..
Holy my ass.. I hope you guyz rot in holy hell..
Anyway I wouldn't mind going back there for another holiday cum shopping spree ^-^
But the next place I would love to go is Japan ahhh...
I wanna see snowwwwwww zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Enough of tropical greenery...
Gimme snow naooooo!! *rawr..
p/s - Guess who I bumped into on the last day at Kuta town..
I saw Dawn Yang...
And her friend is hawt =p
Didn't manage to get any pictures with her though..
She looked busy shopping..
And I wasn't 100% sure it was her..
Imagine if i went up to her.. and said..
Josh: Hi! Are you Dawn Yang? Can I have a picture with you?
Girl: No I'm not...
Paisehh righttt?? wtf
Then what?
Josh: oh... nevermind... you're hawt... can I take picture with you anyway?
Paisehhh right? hahaha..
But yeah later I checked and she really did went to Bali..
Ja~ I wanna bomb Air Asia in my next post wtf...
Ciao yo~