Gosh... No regrets buying this Album!!!!!!!
In this album I can really feel the old Jay Chou is back....
He is murmuring alot again and I like it.
Regardless of what other people say about can't hearing him...
I think its unique to him..
Gosh I can't praise this album enough...
Listening to it makes me happy lol...
Really worth my money....
You guyz should really get it >.< really really worth it...
Anyway the originaly theme wasn't supposed to be like this..
It was meant to be a Jay as a joker...but due to some leaks..
Sigh..I kinda feel sad for him...he kinda lost alot of money...
But still I prefer this much much more =D
Track Listing
- 龍戰騎士 Dragon Warrior Knight 4:31
- 給我一首歌的時間 Give Me The Time Of A Song (Gěi Wǒ Yì Shǒu Gē De Shí Jiān) 4:13
- 蛇舞 Snake Dance (Shé Wŭ) 2:55
- 花海 Ocean Of Flowers Ocean (Huā Hăi) 4:25
- 魔術先生 Mr. Magic (Mó Shù Xiān Sheng) 3:48
- 說好的幸福呢 Where is the Promised Happiness (Shuō Hăo De Xìng Fú Ne) 4:14
- 蘭亭序 Lan Ting Xu (Lán Tíng Xù) 4:12
- 流浪詩人 Homeless Poet (Líu Làng Shī Rén) 2:49
- 時光機 Time Machine (Shí Guāng Jī) 5:12
- 喬克叔叔 Uncle Joker (Qiáo Kè Shū Shū) 4:14
- 稻香 Rice Aroma (Dào Xiāng) 3:43
*credits to Wikipedia
Songs worth listening to are..
Tracks 1,2,4,6,7,9 and 11
the 5,8,10 just sounded kinda weird..
Track 8 is jazzy but not my style..
I think Jay is experimenting with various styles..
His ballads are still the best..
Gosh..if he is coming to Malaysia for concert this year..
I'll definitely go... its DAMN worth it!!!!!
Go go and buy and you will understand what I am saying
Welcome back the Old Jay!!!!! woohooo