There must be a way to be a pro -_-
Even a girl pwned my butt in Canon in D rock
oh did I mention a 5 year old kid can play that too?
But I can't wth =_=
Rightz....go watch them zzzzz
Original Arranger for Canon in D rock (JerryC)
JerryCRevised by
FunTwoSome korean guyThe girl which pwned my butt -
KhaluahMattrach-15 year old kid zzzzz
and the
5 12 (according to Chermayne) year old Kid -
Sungha JungPwnZor T-T
Right now I'm attempting on
I'm Alright Composed by Neil Zaza
JerryC version
FunTwo's Version
Oh check out how many people can play it T-T ('cept me)
Ultimate I'm AlrightNeil Zaza- Of Course!!!
Here is the
Tabs for the song zzzz..
And since i can play it a little (albeit abit slower)
Its quite easy...easier than Canon IMHO....
The shredding in Canon is godly insane -_-
I'm still trying hard to get it to time with the backing track..not freakin easy
Its not alright wth -_-