alot of you asked me to talk to my parents.. talk to them nicely-la...they will understand one..
talk properly..sit down and talk
let me tell you something about "that person"
Once she said NO! its a big FUCKING NO!
even if you beg and cry on your knees at her feet...
its still a big fat FUCKING NO!
trust me..i know that person well enough now....
im speculatin that she doesnt have enough cash to send me
and thus she needed a really really really good reason to say no..
well if she told me upfront that they really dont have enough cash i wouldnt be mad at them at all.
but to tell me im underserving.. hahahahaha whatever man
and my wrong and mistake in the recent exams.. ive given her that chance.
well its my fault now...
but hey..think on the brighter side.. my sis can go Taylors now.. or The One Academy.. or maybe Lim Kok Weng!!
Places that i have sacrificed in order to try get 2+1
hahaha how ironic can life be?
i can laugh my shit out now hahahahahahaha
ja~or maybe we are too poor for LKW.. so probably its taylors or TOA for my sis then.
i vow...i will not be poor like them!
i will Swear on my life that i will make sure i have proper family planning
do not make shitty investments
thus by doin so i will not end up like them and my children wont have to be me.
but seriously... i have accepted my fate already.... i can laugh and smile with my colleagues today.
but deep down inside..i will never ever be the same and i will NOT interact with my family..
TO HELL with allowances and shits like that..if they wont give, I'll beg! I'll work part time..
if they wont even wanna fund my 3+0... EVEN BETTER CHANCES FOR MY SIS TO GET INTO LKW!
and big deal? ill just work... i mean working rm850 a month for myself is quite okay... well slowly climb the corporate ladder..
what to do?
and they shall nvr see my children...if my children asks of their grandparents... i will say they never existed or died before they grew up!
yes im cruel and this side of me is emerging..
sorry again for disapointing all you people with my attitude and behavior.
but this is what happens after one goes through a "life changing" experience.
ahahahahaa self deceit and centeredness rulez over all..