Well yeah....as the tittle says it....
Gonna start working as of tomorrow )=
All i can say...The pay is not that good )=
But then again people always tells me....
Its not about the pay
Learn as much life experiences as you can from it
Because it will help in you in the future
Well, thats what I am and will try to do tomorrow
Stay positive and try my best (=
And hopefully I'll learn something useful from this
That aside, I was napping and when i woke up...
I felt a terrible longing to go to Korea in the winter
I have no idea why, but its just a longing...
Not so much of playing in the snow..
Its just that i feel at peace during winter for some reason
The white blanket all around you,
The sound muffled out by the snow
Birds chirping in the sky
Where the Sun shines down but yet you don't feel the heat
Yep, I can definitely add winter to:
The List Of Places Which Calms Me Down
I mean, what about snow which doesn't calms people down?
All is quiet and all is peaceful
Think about thatEveryday shouldn't be a hustle
Not every night should be spent in Clubs
Why not try one night beside the campfire or fireplace?
Don't know about you guyz, but I'm gonna love it (= 
I long for the day where there is no worries
And I can actually just lie down on the green grass under the sun savoring the peace
I long for the day where there is no troubles
Where I can actually sleep with a peace of mind
I long for the day where it is just so peaceful
It makes your heart glad
I long for the day where all my loved ones are with me
And we will never be separated by death
I long for the day where the world is peaceful
All countries will be at peace with one another
I long for the day where I can wake up every morning and say
Its a brand new morning with a brand new start
I long for the day where I can be as free as a bird
That I do not have to please anybody but just myself
I long for the day where I can be as carefree as when I was but a child
I long for the day I can live simply without pressure from this world
My wish is to have at least one day...where I can feel this peace (=

I Just Wanna Lie Down Here On My Back Frolicking About Doing Nothing